Our services.

Building culture requires shifting the knowledge and behaviours in your organisation. We guide leaders on what and where they need to make this shift.

Need to create or enhance your diversity and inclusion strategy? 

We specialise in creating strategies and implementation plans for a variety of organisations who want a new strategy or take their existing one to the next level. 

Most organisations have some diversity and inclusion activities underway that are starting to achieve outcomes.  

What some organisations lack is a coordinated plan with a multi-year strategy. Strategic Shift helps to bring all the existing work together to progress your organisation’s diversity and inclusion maturity. This can include taking your existing strategy and elevating it. 

We will provide an external perspective, strategic guidance and respectfully challenge people should we see a need. Importantly, our work will consider your key stakeholders, both internal and external.  

Additionally, we are able to design an implementation plan for your leaders to take action on the key diversity and inclusion focus areas.   

Where leaders require additional support, we can lead this implementation with you. We can help with communications, developing streams of work, providing upskilling workshops as well as establishing benchmarks, monitoring and progress reporting. 


a business

that has




Melissa provided strategic advice which helped us ensure diversity and inclusion were front of mind when developing our platform.”


Darryn Webster
CIO and Board Director

Defining your organisation’s appetite for


Melissa helped us to ensure our risk strategy was able to sit within our existing culture. She helped make sure we got engagement by using a language that would resonate with the organisation.”

Daryn Deiley
Interim COO – The Sunrise Project

Has your organisation defined its appetite for risk? 

We work with Boards, Executives and Business Leaders to develop fit-for-purpose written strategies and risk guidelines. 

Risk management is often discussed at a high level, but often people have different concepts of what risk means to the organisation.  

We work to ensure leaders are on the same page as each other. Creating this shared language is key to redefining how you can enhance your risk maturity.   

Often an organisation will have an operational risk management in place but requires guidance from the Board and CEO, the guide rails that will inform how risk is managed. 

We work with Boards and Leaders to co-design and enhance their risk management approach. This includes developing the strategy, creating shared understanding of risk, defining the key parameters for how risk will be assessed and enhancing a fit-for-purpose risk register.  

We also assist the Board to create their Board Risk Policy including risk appetite statements and guiderails that supports strategic planning, decision-making and operations.  This is then linked back to the risk register and parameters. 

We can also design recommendations with a risk roadmap for the Board. This enables them to take a deliberate approach to risk management and further develop their risk maturity. 

Depending on the size and complexity of your organisation, outcomes can be achieved either in a full-day workshop (with pre- and post- work), or through a series of facilitated workshops and feedback sessions. 

Is your organisation undergoing change? 

Our strategies and programs can help you enhance your culture, develop your leaders and create high performing teams. 

We work with your leaders and People and Culture/HR teams to understand your specific cultural gaps and challenges. We co-design a cultural change program to meet your needs. We engage your people and key stakeholders, and deliver an implementation plan to achieve agreed outcomes. 

A specific program can be designed to meet your unique needs to uplift your performance culture, change leadership and cultural values.  

Working with our business partners, Strategic Shift can also assist you with organisation strategy, organisational redevelopment, operating business models, governance reviews and much more. 

Enhancing workplace


(Melissa) has a unique ability to create a working environment where everyone can contribute and collaborate effectively.”

Jo Smyth
Managing Director – Twiga Group


your audience 

Melissa has high energy, even to the very end of each event.”

Bridee Arrighi-Stewart
Operations Director – Connect Media

Want to engage your audience? 

We offer MC and facilitation services to create a high-energy streamlined event that delivers your program objectives. 

Ensuring an event engages your audience requires care and attention from your MC and we ensure that we understand the outcomes you want to achieve. We then deliver each element on time, engaging other speakers and the audience, with high energy throughout the day. 

We also support your organisation when you require an expert facilitator, whether through one of our own programs or a bespoke need. We will co-design your workshop with you, delivering the learning and business outcomes and providing value to your team.